Tips for submitting a Help Desk ticket

Creating support tickets

OR, you may click on “Submit a request” from the Lyrasis Zendesk homepage (you can do this whether or not you are logged into the Zendesk site).


Ticket information

Helpful information for the Hosting Services team when you submit a ticket:

  • Use a descriptive subject line regarding your request or issue
    • Examples: “Error message when attempting to download media handling files,” “PUI customization request,” “502 error message,” “Administer workflow not working,” “Project quote request: legacy data migration"
  • Please try to limit to one issue per ticket. For example, your site is loading slowly and you want to get someone added to an announcements list? That would be two different tickets.
  • Include screenshots or copied error messages when possible if dealing with unexpected system behavior. Also provide information about the browser you’re using and the approximate time something happened (or failed to happen), as the Hosting team may be able to check logs to see what’s going on behind-the-scenes.

Response times

Staff will respond based on the support tier of your request. As a reminder, these tiers are in all our Hosting Services clients' core service agreements:

  • Tier 3: significant or complete loss of service affecting all users for which there is no workaround (e.g. system up/down): we will respond within 1 hour during normal support hours (8-5 U.S. Eastern time, Monday-Friday) and by 9 a.m. Eastern time the next business day if not within normal support hours.
  • Tier 2: Errors or other software bugs that affect the functionality of the Service (non-emergency; we can assist you in documenting and presenting these bugs to the software development community but will not unilaterally address a solution to the bug): we will respond within 2 business days.
  • Tier 1: Usage and system administration/configuration issues: we will provide a limited amount of technical support as described in your institution’s statement of work (SOW) and respond as time permits.

Ticket statuses

If you are logged into Zendesk, you may navigate to “My Activities” from the dropdown menu associated with your username in the upper right corner. There you will find any tickets you have submitted or have been submitted on your behalf, as well as any tickets on which you’re copied. You may notice a status assigned to your ticket(s).

  • Open: Lyrasis staff are working on these tickets.
  • Pending or Awaiting Your Reply: we are expecting a response from you. If these tickets are in this status for 14 days or more, they will be automatically closed. If you think this status is a mistake and you still need more information from us, please respond to the ticket, and that will change the status back to Open.
  • On hold: we are waiting on a third party or on something else before we can make progress, but we know there is more work to do at a later point on these tickets. Sometimes we will put your tickets on hold because you need to do more investigating on your end. In that case, you can respond when you are ready, and this will notify our team that the status has been changed back to Open.
  • Solved: these are your closed tickets. If you are logged into your Zendesk account and responding to a ticket, note that you can select either “Submit” if you need more help from the Hosting team or “Mark as Solved and Submit” if your issue has been resolved, and this will close the ticket.
Have more questions? Submit a request


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